nano tech 2024German Exhibitors Nano in Germany
Nano in Germany
Booth number: 5L-03E
About us
Nanotechnology is gaining importance in numerous industries and fields of application. Since 2015, the interests of stakeholders from research, development and industry are bundled under the umbrella of our non-profit organisation Nano in Germany e. V. association. We pursue the goal of giving nanotechnology in Germany a strong voice in politics and society, to achieve greater public awareness and to provide members with a platform for the exchange of information. Together we want to make the importance and advantages of nanotechnology visible in order to increase its acceptance. In addition, we want to make a contribution to increasing the competitiveness of our members, among other things through joint trade fair appearances. Any legal entity or partnership under public or private law, such as research and academic institutions can become a member of our association.Address
Nano in Germany
Josef-Martin-Weg 52
97074 Würzburg
Phone: +49 931 3189372
Josef-Martin-Weg 52
97074 Würzburg
Phone: +49 931 3189372
Contact person:
Anja Timmermann
Assistant to Management Board
Phone: +49 93131 89372
Peter Grambow
Management Board
Phone: +49 93131 89372
Products & Services
Nano Fabrication Technology
Evaluation and Measurement
Environment and Energy
Nano in Germany
- brings together innovative companies and renowned institutes
- offers a platform for discussion with leading experts
- disseminates objective information on different aspects of nanotechnology
- organizes joint booths on fairs and congresses
- supports you to find the right partners in Germany